New book – OUTSIDE Morris Engel and Ruth Orkin From Street Photography to Filmmaking – 4/14




 From Street Photography to Filmmaking

 With LITTLE FUGITIVE, hailed by Francois Truffaut and rewarded at the Venice Film Festival in 1953,
the work of Morris Engel and Ruth Orkin was at the origin of a new style that revolutionized the history of cinema,
announcing the French New Wave and independent production in America. Featuring a rich and unpublished
iconography, this book presents keys to the photographic and cinematographic journey of these iconic figures.
Published by Editions Carlotta Films, Edited by Stefan Cornic,
with introductions by Alain Bergala, Anne Morra (MoMA) and Mary Engel
200 pages, Hardcover 9″ x 12″ $50 – Published by Editions Carlotta Films
To order book:
VARIETY – Daily Update – October 16, 2014 by John Hopewell
A second coffee table book features U.S. indie filmmaking couple Morris Engel and Ruth Orkin
whose 1953 “The Little Fugitive,” the story of a child growing up on Coney Island,
was a huge influence on the French Nouvelle Vague in its use of non-pros, naturalism and hand-held 35mm camera.
Coinciding with the re-release of “Little Fugitive,” this publication marks the first book ever on the
couple, also distinguished photographers, Vincent Paul-Boncour said.
Carlotta holds international rights to “The Little Fugitive” and Engel and Orkin’s
“Lovers and Lollipops,” and “Weddings and Babies.”
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